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Witbe to Preview New Virtual NOC and La测试 Video Testing Technology at SCTE TechExpo 24

在SCTE科技博览, Witbe will showcase the power of its automated 测试ing and proactive monitoring technology. 展位1612, attendees will see the benefits of Witbe’s comprehensive technology suite for cable video service providers and set-top box ope


9月. 24 – 26

在SCTE科技博览, Witbe will showcase the power of its automated 测试ing and proactive monitoring technology. 展位1612, attendees will see the benefits of Witbe’s comprehensive technology suite for cable video service providers and set-top box operators, 衡量观众的真实体验质量(QoE). Witbe will also highlight its plug-and-play technology that 测试s and monitors video services on real devices, including a new and improved version of the company’s popular Remote Eye Controller (REC), 如何将软件转换为集中的视频监控应用程序. 有了这次重大更新, the REC offers a virtual Network Operation Center (NOC) where teams can supervise, 控制, and instantly identify service errors on their real 测试ing devices from anywhere in the world.

“我们很高兴能回到SCTE科技博览, 一个将有线电视行业聚集在一起的特别活动,玛丽-瓦姆·拉卡兹说, Witbe的总裁和联合创始人. “Witbe’s integrated technology assists video service providers with every step of the video delivery process, from early QA 测试ing to post-launch 测试ing in the field and live service monitoring. Our dedicated approach to 测试ing on real devices empowers providers to offer their customers a strong QoE, 在当今竞争激烈的视频市场中脱颖而出的关键是什么. 有了新的虚拟NOC,他们的生活就更轻松了, 为他们的视频监控需求提供一站式服务.”

在SCTE科技博览, Witbe将预览一个新的和改进的REC, which allows video service providers to supervise their service running on real 测试ing devices from anywhere in the world. The largest update ever launched for the application turns it into a comprehensive video monitoring station, where teams can interact with their devices in real time and immediately identify service errors. 这种即时可读的反馈使REC成为一个虚拟的NOC, a collaborative remote workspace built around real devices running in real markets.

新的REC也充满了令人兴奋的功能, 包括一个重新设计的马赛克视图与最大的流, 能够在任何时候快速录制实时视频, 并扩展了团队定制选项. Visitors to Witbe’s booth at SCTE TechExpo 24 can preview the virtual NOC update in person before it is fully revealed to the public and launched later this year.

图片链接: www.202年审稿.com/Witbe/New_REC_Mosaic.png
图片标题: A new version of Witbe’s popular Remote Eye Controller application can be previewed at the company’s SCTE booth.


At the show, Witbe will demo its award-winning automated 测试ing and monitoring technology. The all-in-one technology allows providers to plug any real device into a Witbox product to automatically 测试 any video service running on it. Witbox可以监控任何真实的设备, 包括智能电视, 流棒, 以及Roku的机顶盒, 苹果电视, 进化的数字, 还有很多其他公司. 通过Witbe软件套件, 团队可以很容易地编写和运行自动化测试, 监控他们的视频直播服务, 并比较Smartgate的测试结果, 用be的可观察性平台. 全面的技术使协作成为可能, alerting teams in real time whenever errors strike and making it simple to send video recordings of issues to elevate and resolve them.

All of Witbe’s technology is built with efficiency, scalability, and ease of use in mind. It can be deployed quickly — enabling service providers to see results in record time.

图片链接: www.202年审稿.com/Witbe/QA_Test_Automation.jpg
图片标题: Witbe’s automated 测试ing technology measures a video service’s quality of experience on real devices.

Witbe will highlight its dedicated live TV monitoring technology at SCTE TechExpo 24. 它的频道转换功能, Witbe’s technology can automatically monitor the availability of all linear channels on a video service. Video service providers receive immediate alerts whenever channels are unavailable or experiencing an issue, 帮助团队在观众注意到错误之前解决问题. Witbe’s live TV monitoring technology is available now and capable of monitoring multiple markets simultaneously.

图片链接: www.202年审稿.com/Witbe/Witbe-LiveTV.png
图片标题: Witbe’s dedicated monitoring technology can automatically monitor channel availability during live TV.

Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology will also be spotlighted at SCTE TechExpo 24. 该技术可以识别由动态广告插入引起的视频错误, 使提供商能够提供完美的观看体验. 通过Smartgate, 用be的可观察性平台, providers receive accurate reports on the most important KPIs for their video service, 包括AD板, 黑色的屏幕, 过度的缓冲, 撞击流, 问题又回到了内容上. Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology is available now and capable of 测试ing all forms of ad-supported video.

图片链接: www.202年审稿.com/Witbe/Ad_Monitoring_Matching_technology.jpg
图片标题: Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology identifies video errors caused by dynamic ad insertion.


Witbe (Euronext Growth - FR0013143872 - ALWIT) makes automated 测试ing and proactive monitoring technology for global video service providers. The company’s award-winning technology accurately measures the Quality of Experience that viewers receive. Witbe的非侵入性的, plug-and-play technology replicates user behavior to automatically 测试 and monitor video services from anywhere in the world. Witbe软件套件允许团队远程访问他们的Witbox机器人, 哪个可以控制, 测试, 监控任何在真实设备上运行的视频应用程序. The essential data collected by the Witbox can then be analyzed and shared in 用be的可观察性平台.

Witbe最近的创新包括其流线型自动测试集, deploying automation and providing QA results faster than ever before; its popular Ad Monitoring and Matching technology to resolve dynamic ad insertion errors; its acclaimed Smart Navigate AI algorithm; and its new Mobile Quality of Experience and Video Traffic Optimization technology. Witbe has a dozen offices around the world and is proud to have customers — including Comcast, 考克斯, 威瑞森, 孔雀, 和Orange——在50多个国家销售. 更多信息和最新消息可在 www.witbe.网.

链接到Word文档: www.202年审稿.有限公司/ Witbe / 240920 - Witbe scte_2024.多克斯